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Across the street from a house my

Across the street from a house my sister rents there is a house I see in the drea. The refurburbished farmhouse. A long driveway, on a hill. I picture an old farm house, white with grey boards in some areas. There are mature trees, not many, close to the house, in front on the left side of it. The focus of the dream was that owners, more recent owners, changed the windows in it within the past 6-ish years. They do not suit the age of the home and are a bit oversized, like there is huge panes of glass, but sectioned off glass. Here's the weird part. Because there are new windows in the home that do not match the house, that the spirit of the owners (from the earlier 1900's do not feel that the house is theirs any longer. I picture a woman in a long pleated skirt in the front yard, not far from the front door and that she was married to a man that worked with horses and land. I could see her husband at the side of the house (door also on the right side of house) which he used mostly. I couldn't see that they had kids, but that there was a big building on the back of the house, to the right of it once upon a time, likely a barn, grey, not painted, he spent most of his time there. I get the impression the current owners are aware of their spirit and that they wonder if they are out to scare them. It's not that the former spirit are melicious, but they are confused by the new outer layout of the windows and they are wondering around the property.